New England Journal of History Style Guide
General Guidelines for Submission
Length, including endnotes
Research articles: 8,000 to 10,000 words
Pulse op-eds: 4,000 to 8,000 words
Pedagogical articles: 2,000 to 4,000 words
Book reviews*: 1,000 to 3,000 words
Program: Microsoft Word
Font: Times New Roman, 12-point
Spacing: double
Margins: one inch, all sides
Justification: left; including title, author, and all heads and subheads
Indentation: begin all paragraphs with standard ½ inch indentation
Headers/footers: do not use headers or footers, including page numbers
Notes and citations: endnotes (not footnotes) with Arabic numerals;
book reviews should contain no notes and only use in-text page citations
Figures (see below): JPEG; must be inserted directly into the document along with captions
Tables: Microsoft Word; submit as separate file; indicate clearly in the body of the article where each table should appear; include caption text in the article
*NB: Book reviews adhere to the guidelines below but they have additional guidelines that can be found on our website at: Book Review Submissions
Style Guidelines
Guides and References
For issues of style not specifically addressed in this guide, use the latest edition of The Chicago Manual of Style.
For general spelling, use standard American spelling practices as specified in the latest edition of The Merriam-Webster Dictionary.
Abstracts (Only for Research Articles)
All research articles should be submitted with an abstract that describes the article's topic and summarizes its main argument(s).
Abstracts may not exceed 150 words.
Titles, Subtitles, Author Name(s), and Attribution Line
Article titles may not exceed two lines when rendered in 12-point, Times New Roman text on a page with one-inch margins. They should be rendered in bold text, italicized, and center justified. No quotation marks should be used.
Subtitles should be rendered in bold and left justified. Leave one space above and one space below each subtitle in the text.
Author name(s) should appear directly below the article title separated by one space. Name(s) should bold and center justified (not italicized). Do not include professional or job titles, e.g. “Jane S. Doe” rather than “Dr. Jane S. Doe.”
A brief attribution line for the author(s) should appear in bold following the body of the article but before the endnotes. It include the author’s name, professional title, institutional affiliation, and location of institution. It should not include “Dr.” For example: “David Brandon Dennis is professor of history at Dean College in Franklin, MA.”
Figures and Tables
Figures are defined as any image (photo, illustration, diagram, chart, map, etc.) which is not a table. They must be labeled with a caption in sequence as they appear in the article, e.g., “Figure 1,” “Figure 2,” “Figure 3,” etc.
Submit figures as JPEG files; they must be inserted directly into the document where they should appear in the published version.
Tables must be submitted in a separate MS Word file. Please indicate clearly in the body of the article where each table should appear and place the caption on the body of the article. They must be labeled with a caption in sequence as they appear in the article, e.g., “Table 1,” “Table 2,” “Table 3,” etc.
If referencing figures or tables in the body of the text, references should appear in parentheses as “(Figure #)” at the end of a sentence OR as part of a sentence, e.g. “According to Figure 4 …”
Captions must be placed directly below the figure or table and include: (A) start with the sequence number with a colon (e.g., “Figure 6:”); (B) a title or brief description of the figure or table; (C) source(s) citation in Chicago Style, if applicable; (D) copyright information for figures that were not created by the author and are not in the public domain. Do not include copyright information for figures that are in the public domain. Captions should not exceed 300 characters with spaces.
Caption example:
Figure 3: Chamberlain Mill Memorial Rock on Lowell Road (Route 40), near where John Chamberlain killed the son of Chief Paugus in self-defense. See further: Dennis Chamberlain, “The Chamberlain Story,” accessed May 12, 2020, www.chamberlainstory.com. Photo by Jonathan Pierce © 2019.
Range of years: use complete years separated by an en dash (not a hyphen), e.g., 1920–1932); or by “to” or “and” (e.g., between 1920 and 1932; from 1920 to 1932).
Do not abbreviate, e.g., 1920–32; or combine, e.g., from 1920–1932.
December 7, 1941; if the sentence continues after the year, it should be followed by a comma, e.g., On December 7,1941, Pearl Harbor was attacked.
December 1941
The 1940s; or the 40s
Whole numbers from one through one hundred should be spelled out.
Numbers greater than one hundred (e.g., “376”) should be written in Arabic numerals.
Any number beginning a sentence should be spelled out no matter the size.
Percentages should be expressed in numerals, followed by the word “percent.”
Avoid beginning a sentence with a percentage. If a sentence does begin with a percentage, spell the number out.
For the first reference to a person, use first and last name and a title, if appropriate. For subsequent references use last name only. If, however, there are two people with the same last names being referenced, the first name or the full name may be used in subsequent references.
Do not place a comma before Jr. or Sr., e.g., Martin Luther King Jr., not Martin Luther King, Jr.
States: use postal abbreviations for US states when preceded by towns/city names, preceded and followed by a comma, e.g., She was born in Plymouth, MA, in 1950.
US, not U.S.
Punctuation and Capitalization
Use “down style” capitalization: only proper nouns are capitalized, as are occasionally some of the terms derived from or associated with proper nouns.
Unless at the beginning of a sentence, do not capitalize “the” in front of a proper noun, e.g. the Civil War, not The Civil War.
The possessives of proper nouns, including names ending in s, x, or z, in both their singular and plural forms, is formed by adding an apostrophe and an s, e.g., Charles’s
In the possessive form of an italicized title, the ’s is not italicized, e.g., “The Globe’s reporting on . . .”
Ellipses: use spaces between dots (. . .); a period at the end of a sentence in the original is retained before an ellipsis indicating the omission of material immediately following the period.
Em dash: no space on either side.
En dash: use to signify “to,” e.g., 1675–1676; pp. 5–15.
Spaces between dots of an ellipsis: . . .
Serial comma: always use serial comma unless the last item is preceded by an ampersand.
Render as endnotes with Arabic numerals, using MS Word’s “References” function.
Use “Ibid.” when referencing the same source and page number as previous citation. Use “Ibid., Page#.” when referencing the same source but different page number as previous citation. Note: with "Ibid" we adhere to Chicago Manual of Style rules prior to the 17th Edition.
If citing multiple sources in one footnote, place a semi-colon between each citation.
Web sources must be rendered per Chicago Manual of Style guidelines in endnote format as follows:
1. Firstname Lastname, “Title of Web Page,” Name of Website, Publishing Organization, publication or revision date if available, access date if no other date is available, URL.
Ensure that the URL used in a web source citation is the original URL for the cited webpage, without search engine tracking data.